Botanical collections of IBPN FEB RAS
Herbarium of IBPN FEB RAS was found in 1970 by A. P. Khokryakov; it consists of collection of vascular plants, fungi, lichens and muscoids. And also seed collection. International index of herbarium is MAG (assigned in 1997).
Herbarium of vascular plants includes institution collections from 1970 to present time, and earlier samples (of 1940-1960), obtained from land survey expedition, and has being constantly completed by new samples. Over 1700 species of vascular plants are represented in herbarium. Total number of sheets is over 112000. The most part of the collection is represented by samples from Magadan region and adjoining territories – Kamchatka, Chukotka, Commander Islands, Primorye and others. Vascular plants are arranged according to Engler system, genera are given numbers by Dalla Torre, inside genera – in alphabetical order. Besides, geographical principle of distribution is observed. An electronic catalog of herbarium labels for some families and genera has been maintained since the early 2000s.Currently, the catalog is maintained on its own platform
Checklist of Magadan region vascular plant species - magflora - is avaibale at
In 2020, some of the samples with photographs of the Digital Herbarium MAG were posted on the platform of the Digital Herbarium of Moscow State University, and several datasets were formed on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) portal.
Herbarium MAG on the platform of the Digital Herbarium of Moscow State University.
In 2015, we identified type specimens in the main fund of the herbarium; a list of 32 species of vascular plants from the Magadan Region, described mainly by A.P. Khokhryakov (Mochalova O.A., Khoreva M.G. Type specimens of vascular plants in the collection of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Magadan) // Botan. jurn. Vol. 100, N 7. С. 738–744). This work needs to be continued, since there are discrepancies in the texts of protologues and herbarium labels for several other presumably type specimens.
In 2022, a Microtek ObjectScan 1600 scanner was purchased for the herbarium and sequential digitization of the collection with a resolution of 600dpi was started.
Workplace for digitizing the herbarium.
Mycological herbarium contains over 10000 specimens of over 800 species of macromycetes/
Herbarium of lichens includes over 5500 specimens of over 340 species.
Herbarium of muscoids numbers over 4800 specimens of 470 species of frondiferous mosses and liverworts.
Collection of seeds and fruits numbers over 3680 specimens, representing over 2270 species of plants from Siberia and the Far East.
Information about botanical collections is updated annually in Index Herbariorum - The Herbaria of the world.
In 2016, the herbarium was registered as UNU (unique scientific installation) "Herbarium (MAG)", link to the site "Modern Research Infrastructure of the Russian Federation":
Type specimens of vascular plants
Alphabetical checklist of type specimens is given below and represents the taxon name, herbarium label and storage place of type specimens according to protologue. For the first time herbarium of IBPN FEB RAS (MAG) is noted as storage place of type specimens (Mochalova O.A., Khoreva M.G. Type specimens of vascular plants in the collection of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Magadan) // Botan. jurn. Vol. 100, N 7. С. 738–744). This work needs to be continued, since there are discrepancies in the texts of protologues and herbarium labels for several other presumably type specimens.
Aсonitum glandulosum Khokhr. 1985, Flora of Magad. reg.: 347 — A. subglandulosum Khokhr. 1989, Analysis of fl. of the Kolyma Upland : 42.
Holotypus: Magad. reg., Srednekan district, mountain Zamkovaya, 23 VIII 1979, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko, MHA
Isotypus – MAG.
Note: Considered by А.N. Luferov(1991 : 75) as A. delphinifolium DC. subsp. subglandulosum(Khokhr.) Luferov, and later is used in different reports.
Androsace khokhrjakovii Mazurenko, 1992, Bul. С. bot. garden RAS. 163: 46.
Holotypus: Magadan obl., Srednekansk district, Zamkovoye plot of land, on chalky rubble, 22 VI 1980, О. А. Khokhryakova, G. L. Antropova. MHA.
Topotypus – MAG: Magadan reg., Srednekan district, mountain Zamkovaya stow, on rubble at the base of chalky cliffs, 13 VI 2008, Е.А. Andriyanova, О.А. Mochalova.
Astragalus boreomarinus Khokhr. 1984, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4: 110.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Ola district, surroundings of the Atargan settlement, steppe seaside slope, 27 VII 1983, А. P. Khokhryakov, P.Y. Zhmylev. MW.
Isotypus – MAG.
Paratypi – MAG: 1. Magadan. reg., Ola distr., surr. of the Atargan settl., seaside cliffs, 8 IX 1979, А.P. Khokhryakov, М.Т. Mazurenko., S.V. Ershova. 2. Magadan. reg., Ola distr., the Atargan settlement, seaside pebble, 29 VII 1983, P.Y. Zhmylev, А. P. Khokhryakov.
Astragalus ochotensis Khokhr. 1984, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4: 110. Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Ola distr., Spafaryev Island, shrub tundra, 5 IX 1982, I. А. Dranevich. MW.
Paratypi – MAG: 1. Ola distr., Shelting Bay, rubble tundra. 8 IX 1972, coll. by G.L. Antropova, det. by А.P. Khokhryakov. 2. Khabarovsk krai, Okhotsk distr.,Ushki Inlet, shrub-lichen tundra on the seaside, 20 VI 1983, P.Y. Zhmylev, А. P. Khokhryakov.
Astragalus vallicoides Khokhr. 1981, Byull. Gl. Botan. Sada АS USSR, 120: 36.
Holotypus: Magadan. obl., Ola distr., Odyan bay, dry rocky slopes, 19 IX 1973, А. P. Khokhryakov, А. N. Berkutenko. МНА.
Isotypus – MAG, 2 sheets.
Вatrachium mongolicum (Kryl.) V. Krecz. subsp. setosissimum Khokhr. 1984, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch.Isp.Prir, Otd. Biol. 89, 4 : 109. — В. setosissimum (Khokhr.) Khokhr. et Pavlov, 1989, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch.Isp.Prir, Otd. Biol. 94, 5 : 99.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Yagodninsky distr. (Kol.), Elgen, in dead channel, 5 VII 1974, А. P. Khokhryakov. MW.
Isotypus – MAG.
Paratypi – MAG: 1. Magadan. reg., Srendekansk distr., basin of the Omolon River, middle course of the Ainene River, the settlement of Rassokha, the stream of Vetvisty, hollows in the sedge-cotton grass bog, 30 VII 1982, coll. by М. Slesareva, det. by А. P. Khokhryakov. 2. Yakutia, Momsky distr., sett. of Khonu, a small lake in the flood-land of the Indigirka, 26 VII 1968, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko.
Bupleurum atargense Gorovoi 1990, Feddes Repert. 101 (9-10): 429.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola district, surr. of the settl. Atargan, 40-50 km east to Magadan, dry slope directed ti the Sea of Okhotsk, 18 IX 1986, P. G. Gorovoy, V. I. Baranov. Storing places of type and paratype are not noted in original description.
Topotypus – MAG.
Caltha violacea Khokhr. 1975, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 12 : 203.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensk distr., Pravaya Khadarandzha River, nearby lake, 1 VII 1972, М. Т. Mazurenko, А. P. Khokhryakov. MHA.
Isotypus – LE, MAG.
Note: It was considered by А.N. Luferov (1991 : 74) as Calthapalustris subsp. violacea (Khokhr.) Luferov., and later was used in different reports.
Carex taskanensis Khokhr. 1983., Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch.Isp.Prir, Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 95.
Holotypus: Magadan region, Susuman district, upper reaches of the Taskan River, spring Veselyi, dwarf birch in the river valley 12 VIII 1981, А. P. Khokhryakov, О.А Khokhryakova. MW.
Isotypus – MAG.
Note: Referred by А.Е. Kozhevnikov (1988 : 298) and Т.V. Egorova (1999 : 342) as synonym to C. atrofusca Schkuhr.
Castilleja variocolorata Khokhr. 1983, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch.Isp.Prir, Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 95.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Susuman district, basin of the Yasachnaya River, Subkandya River, on dry chalky pebble, 12 VII 1975, А. P. Khokhryakov. MW.
Isotypus – MAG.
Photo in nature (a form with yellow flowers, a form with white-violet flowers).
Corydalis magadanica Khokhr. 1971, Biol. Probl. Severa (Tr. Sev.-Vost. Komp. Ip-ta FESC AN USSR. Iss. 42): 175.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola distr., surr. of Magadan, between the settlements of Novaya Veselaya and Ola, on the seaside slopes near the spring of Chernyi kluch, 3 VI 1969, М. I. Tatarchenkov, МНА.
Topotypus – MAG.
Chrysosplenium saxatile Khokhr. 1973, Byull. Gl. Botan. Sada AN USSR, 88 : 45
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Tenkinsky distr., between Omchak and Kulu, about 1000 m a.s.l., in the valley of the river, on pebbles, 5 VII 1971, А. P. Khokhryakov, МНА.
Topotypus – MAG.
Cystopteris thermalis Khokhr. 1983., Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch.Isp.Prir, Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 95; С. thermale Khokhr.: Khokhryakov, 1985, Fl. Magadan. reg. : 24.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensk distr., Tavatum thermal springs, among alder trees on the slope, 7 VII 1972, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko. MНА
Isotypus? – MAG: Magadan. reg., Severo-Evensk distr., Tavatum thermal springs, at the base of the slope, alder trees nearby the spring, 7 VII 1972, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko.
Topotypus – MAG: Magadan region, Severo-Evensk distr., Tavatum thermal springs, at the base of the slope nearby spring, 7 VII 1972, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko.
Note: Referred by N.N. Tsvelev (1991 : 65) to synonims of C. fragilis (L.) Bernh.: «Spec. differ from those, smaller specimens common in Magadan region, however, in Primorsk Territory they occur often enough, and are not distinguished into separate taxon».
Delphinium kolymense Khokhr. 1980, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 17 : 135.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Tenkinsky distr., nearby the settlement of Khinikandzha, in shrubs on crushed stony slope, 11 VII 1971, А. P. Khokhryakov. МНА.
Isotypus – LE, MAG.
Draba magadanensis Berkut. et. Khokhr. 1979, Journ. of Bot. 64, 5 : 667.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Ola distr., nearby the settlement of Oksa between Magadan and Arman, crushed stony slopes near the Oksa River, 7 VII 1971, А. P. Khokhryakov. LE.
Paratypus – MAG: Magadan. reg., Khasynsky distr., the Ola plateau, source of the Ola River, right bank of the Kherunda River. 07 IX 1970, А. P. Khokhryakov, G.V. Snytkin.
Topotypus – MAG, 3 sheets: Magadan. reg., Ola distr., the Oksa, on pebble, 7 VII 1971, А. P. Khokhryakov.
Draba majae Berkut. et Khokhr. 1979, Journ. of Bot. 64, 5 : 665.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Severo-Evensk distr., the Taigonos Peninsular, Vnutrennyaya Guba Bay, Cape Akchori, crushed stony slope, 11 VII 1977, М. Т. Mazurenko and А. P. Khokhryakov. LE.
Isotypus – MAG.
Elymus boreoochotensis Khokhr. 1978, Byull. Gl. Bot. Sada АN USSR, 109: 25.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Magadan, nearby the settlemenet of Marchekan, south. side of the Staritsky Peninsula, on the cliffs, 25 VIII 1975, А.P. Khokhryakov. MHA.
Isotypus – MAG.
Еlymus magadanensis Khokhr. 1978, Byull. Gl. Bot. Sada АN USSR, 109 : 24.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola distr, nearby the settlement of Oksa, on the seaside steep and crushed stony slopes, 19 IX 1972, А.P. Khokhryakov. MHA.
Isotypus – VLA, MAG.
Paratypus – MAG: Magadan. reg., Ola distr., (estuary) the Oksa river, seaside cliffs, 19 IX 1972, А.P. Khokhryakov
Note: D.S. Lysenko (2012 : 1762) showed, that taxon is referred to the genus × Elyleymus B. R. Baum (Elymus × Leymus), and the species should be considered as ×Elyleymusmagadanensis (Khokhr.) Lysenko.
Еritrichium ochotense Jurtz. et Khokhr. 1975, Journ. of Bot 60, 4: 506.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., Tenka distr., mountain pass 1100 м nearby the settlement of Ust-Omchug, 28 VI 1971, М. Т. Mazurenko, А. P. Khokhryakov. MHA.
Isotypus – LE, MAG.
Paratypus – MAG: Magadan. reg., Tenka distr. (at the boundary to Khasyn distr.), the mountain pass of Gusakov, crushed stony plateau, 18 VI 1971, А. P. Khokhryakov.
Leontopodium stellatum Khokhr. 1983, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 96.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg., surr. of Magadan, the Staritsky Peninsular, on south stony seaside slopes, 12 IX 1981, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko, G. L. Antropova. MW.
Isotypus – MAG.
Leontopodium villosulum Khokhr. 1988, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 93, 6: 65.
Holotypus: Magadan. reg. Susuman distr., Chersky mountain chain, baisin of the Yasachnaya River, the stream of Subkandya, 17 VII 1975, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko. МНА
Isotypus – MW, VLA, MAG.
Minuartia tricostata Khokhr. 1981, Byull. Gl. Botan. Sada AS USSR, 20 : 33.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola distr., the settlement of Snezhnaya Dolina, crushed stony plateau, 3 VIII 1978, А. P. Khokhryakov, S.V. Ershova. МНА.
Isotypus – MAG, 3 sheets.
Оxytropis darpirensis Jurtz. et Khokhr. 1977,Journ. of Bot. 62, 11: 1620.
Holotypus: Yakutiya, Momsky distr., Darpir Lake, chalky pebble, 21 VI 1974, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko, LE, isotypus — МНА.
Topotypus – MAG.
Oxytropis evenorum Jurtz. et Khokhr. 1977, Journ. of Bot. 62, 11: 1620.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., Kolyma Upland, the B. Aulandzha River, crushed stone slope, 28 VII 1973, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko. LE.
Isotypus — МНА, MAG?: Severo-Evensky distr., the B. Aulandzha River, swarding crushed stone on the slope, 28 VII 1973, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko.
Topotypus - MAG.
Pedicularis kolymensis Khokhr. 1981, Biol. Rast. i Fl. Sov. Daln. Vost.: 17.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Yagonninsky distr., the settlement of Elgen, sedge bog, 4 VII 1974, М. Т. Mazurenko, А. P. Khokhryakov. МНА.
Isotypus – MAG.
Paratypi – MAG: 1. Magadan reg., Susuman distr., the settl. of Ayan-Yuryakh, sedge valley bog, 18 VII 1970, А. P. Khokhryakov. 2. Magadan. reg., Srednekan distr., settlement of Seimchan, Shchuchye Lake in the valley of the Kolyma, sedge bog, 13.08.1975, А. P. Khokhryakov. 3. Magadan reg., Tenkinsky distr., the settl. of Agrobasa, right bank, moorland near lake. 30.07.1978, V.B. Dokuchaeva, А.P. Khokhryakov. 4. Chukotka, Bilibino distr., midle reaches of the Omolon River between the rivers of Oloy and Kedon, sedge bog in the river's valley in surr. of station of IBPN, 14.07.1976. А. P. Khokhryakov.
Note: Surroundings of the station of IBPN FEB RAS represent valley of the Omolon River nearby its right trubutary - the stream of Proshchalny, 50km n.-w. to the estuary of the Kedon River.
Pedicularis ochotensis Khokhr. 1976, Fl. i Rast. Magadan. obl.: 35.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Magadan, the settl. of Marchekan, mountain shrub tundra, 18 VI 1975, А. P. Khokhryakov. МНА.
Isotypus – MAG, 2 sheets.
Potentilla rupifraga Khokhr. 1980, Journ. of Bot. 65, 9: 1252.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., surr. of Magadan, seaside cliffs of the southern side of the Staritsky Penninsular, 17 VI 1977, А. P. Khokhryakov, G. L. Antropova. МНА
Isotypus – LE, MAG.
Primula mazurenkoae Khokhr. 1984, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4 : 109. Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola distr., surr. of the Ola settl., Kharbis capeс, dry crushed stony seaside slope with birch, in cliffs, 11 VI 1976, А. P. Khokhryakov. MW.
Isotypus – VLA, MAG.
Pulsatilla magadanensis Khokhr. et Worosch. 1973, Byull. Gl. Botan. Sada AS USSR, 90 : 40.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola distr., Oksa settl., 25km west to Magadan, crushed stony ridges of flat mountains, 7 VI 71, А. P. Khokhryakov. МНА.
Isotypus – MAG, 2 sheets.
Salix alexii-skvortsovii Khokhr. 1984, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4 : 108; Khokhryakov, 1985, Fl. Magadan. Obl. : 120.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., plateau of the Staritsky Pennunsular, 11 IX 1981, G.L. Antropova, М.Т. Mazurenko, А.P. Khokhryakov. MW.
Isotypus – MAG (there is an author lable with the remark "typus" on herbarium sheet).
Paratypi – MAG: 1. Magadan reg., Severo-Evensk distr., the settl. of Bolshaya Chaibukha, dwarf shrub tundra, 13 VIII 1973, М.Т. Mazurenko, А.P. Khokhryakov. 2. Magadan reg., Severo-Evensk distr., the settl. of Boshaya Chaibukha, pebble in the river valley, 3 VII 1977, М.Т. Mazurenko, А.P. Khokhryakov. 3. Magadan reg., between Magadan and Arman, Arman mountain pass, damp sedge-moss tundra, 11 IX 1980, А.P. Khokhryakov. 4. Magadan reg., surr. of Magadan, Marchekan, damp sedge-moss mountain tundra, 10.06 1971, А.P. Khokhryakov. 5. surr. of Magadan, Nagaev Bay, moss tundra on the plateau, 15 VI 1982, А.P. Khokhryakov, О.А. Khokhryakova.
Note: Referred by V.А. Nedoluzhko (1995 : 195) to synonims of S. fuscescens Anderss.
Salix flabellinervis Khokhr. 1984, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4 : 108; Khokhryakov, 1985, Fl. Magad. Obl. : 120.
Holotypus: Magadan. obl., Tenkinsky distr., watershed of the rivers Kulu and Neryuchi, alpine lawn, 18 VII 1981, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko. MW.
Isotypus – MAG (there is an author lable with the remark "typus" on herbarium sheet).
Paratypus – MAG: Magadan reg., Tenkinsky distr., surr. of the Khenikandzha settl., damp moss cover in the creek valley, 11 VII 1971, А.P. Khokhryakov.
Note: Referred by V.А. Nedoluzhko (1995 : 192) to the synonims of S. darpirensis Jurtz. et Khokhr.
Salix jurtzevii A. Skvorts. 1972, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 9 : 96; the same, 1972, Journ. of Bot. 57, 5 : 493.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Khasyn distr., Kolyma ridge, about 130 km north to Magadan, watershed between the Ola and Maltan basins, about 1200m high, 5 IX 1970, B. А. Yurtsev and А. V. Galanin. LE.
Topotypus – MAG: Magadan reg., Khasyn distr., Ola plateau, crushed stony tundra on the watershed of the Ola and Maltan sources, 5 IX 1970, А.P. Khokhryakov.
Salix magadanensis Nedoluzhko, 1989, Byull. Gl. Botan. Sada AN USSR, 153 : 29.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Ola distr., seasides of Luzhin Bay, stony slope. 8 IX 1977, G. L. Antropova, V. Levkovsky. МНА.
Isotypus? – MAG: Magadan reg., Ola distr., seaside of Luzhin Bay, 8 IX 1977, А.P. Khokhryakov, G.L. Antropova, V. Levkovsky.
Topotypus – MAG: Magadan reg., Ola distr., seaside of Luzhin Bay, 8 IX 1977, А.P. Khokhryakov, G. L. Antropova, V. Levkovsky.
Saxifraga microglobularis Khokhr. 1981 Biol. Rast. i Flora Severa Dalnego Vostoka: 13. – S. microglobularia Khokhr. Khokhryakov, 1985, Fl. Magadan. obl. : 189.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., nearby the settlement of Verkhny Paren, crushed stony plateau, 20 VII 1977. А.P. Khokhryakov, G.L. Antropova, О.А. Khokhryakova. MHA.
Isotypus – MAG (there is the author label "typus" on herbarium sheet).
Paratypi – MAG: 1. Magadan reg., Severo-Evensk distr., the Taygonos Peninsular, between Chaybukha and Topolovka, crushed stony plateau, 7 VII 1977, А.P. Khokhryakov, М.Т. Mazurenko. 2. Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., between Topolovka and Chaybukha, crushed stony plateau, 6 VII 1977, А. P. Khokhryakov, М.Т. Mazurenko. 3. Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., the settlement of Chaybukha, dry pebble, 25 VI 1977, А.P. Khokhryakov, М.Т. Mazurenko.
Note: Referred by S.S. Kherkevich (1989 : 170) to S. kruhsiana Fish. ex Ser.: «the species lies within amplitude of morphological variability of S. kruhsiana, occurs on the seadide cliffs».
Saxifraga omolojensis Khokhr. 1979, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 15 (1978) : 160.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., surr. of the Omolon settl, 140 km south-est to the settl. of Omolon, the stream of Avlandya, on the stony xerophytic slopes, 5 VIII 1976, А. P. Khokhryakov, МНА, isotypus — LE.
Topotypus – MAG.
Saussurea tomentosella Khokhr. 1981, Biol. Rast. i Fl. Severa Daln. Vost.: 20.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Srednekansky distr., Chersky ridge, the stream of Subkandya in the system of the Yasachnaya River, subalpine meadow on limestone, 10 VII 1975, А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko, S. V. Ershova. МНА.
Isotypus – MAG.
Paratypus – MAG: Magadan reg., Srednekan distr., Korkodon River, Kudley ridge, chalky cliffs over the river, 3 VIII 1979, А.P. Khokhryakov, М.Т. Mazurenko.
Stellaria fischeriana Ser. subsp. viridifolia Khokhr. 1984 Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4: 107.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Tenka distr., watershed of the Detrin River, Nebukhandzha stream, bank of the mountain stream 2 VII 1981. А. P. Khokhryakov, М. Т. Mazurenko. Type-MW
Isotypus – MAG.
Note. N.S. Pavlova and Т.А. Bezdeleva (1996 : 82 (т. 8), processed fem. Caryophyllaceaea, have not considered that taxon.
Stellaria kolymensis Khokhr. 1982, Journ. of Botan. 67, 11 : 524.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Tenka distr., nearby the settl. of Agrobasa, on the left bank of the Kolyma River, grass bog, 28 VII 1978, V.B. Dokuchaeva. МНА.
Isotypus – LE, MAG.
Taraxacum nigrocephalum Khokhr. 1983, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 96.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Tenka distr., Khenikadzha, nearby damp umbrous cliffs, 29 VI 1971, А. P.Khokhryakov. MW.
Isotypus? – MAG: Magadan reg., Tenka distr., Khenikadzha, 29 VI 1971, А.P. Khokhryakov.
Topotypus – MAG: Магадан. обл., Tenka distr., Khenikadzha, 29 VI 1971, А.P. Khokhryakov.
Taraxacum subalternilobum Khokhr. 1983, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 97.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Tenka distr., the settl. of Kulu, station „Kontakt", head of the Itrikan stream, damp grass slope, 17 VIII 1978, А. P. Khokhryakov, MW.
Topotypus – MAG.
Taraxacum varioviolaceum Khokhr. 1983, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 88, 5: 96.
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., upper reach of the Omolon river, Zhdanka stream, crushed stony sites, 3 VII 1980, А. P. Khokhryakov and О.А. Khokhryakov. MW.
Isotypus – MAG.
Paratypus – MAG: Chukotka, Beringovsky distr., surr. of Maynapylgino, terminal base of Druzba, 12 VII 1973, А.N. Polezhaev, А.N. Berkutenko.
Тofieldia coccinea subsp. sphaerocephala Khokhr., 1984,Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 89, 4 : 107;
Holotypus: Magadan reg., Severo-Evensky distr., surr. of the Garnanda settl. , mountain tundra, 17 VII 1973, А. P. Khokhrykoav. MW.
Isotypus – MAG (there is the author label with the mark "typus" on the herbarium sheet).