
MAG 0020946

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna
Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 14.08.2013.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Ust'-Kamchatskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Усть-Камчатск, 1.5 км к с. от м. Погодный, побережье оз. Нерпичье.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: старица на ручье со слабо подсоленной водой
Coordinates (geographic position): 56° 16′ 34.68″ N, 162° 34′ 54.48″ E
56.2763, 162.5818
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020946 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020945

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna
Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 14.08.2013.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Ust'-Kamchatskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Усть-Камчатск, 1.5 км к с. от м. Погодный, побережье оз. Нерпичье.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: старица на ручье со слабо подсоленной водой
Coordinates (geographic position): 56° 16′ 34.68″ N, 162° 34′ 54.48″ E
56.2763, 162.5818
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020945 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020944

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna
Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 25.07.2013.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Yelizovskiy Rayon. Place of collection: 4 км к с.-з. от с. Паратунка, оз. Микижа.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 52° 59′ 49.2″ N, 158° 13′ 58.08″ E
52.9970, 158.2328
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020944 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020943

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna
Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 25.07.2013.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Yelizovskiy Rayon. Place of collection: 4 км к с.-з. от с. Паратунка, оз. Микижа.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 52° 59′ 49.2″ N, 158° 13′ 58.08″ E
52.9970, 158.2328
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020943 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020942

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna
Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 25.07.2013.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Yelizovskiy Rayon. Place of collection: 4 км к с.-з. от с. Паратунка, оз. Микижа.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 52° 59′ 49.2″ N, 158° 13′ 58.08″ E
52.9970, 158.2328
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020942 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020931

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 07.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, у южного берега.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: растет по периметру на глубине около 1 м и в выбросах
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.64″ N, 152° 36′ 53.98″ E
59.966845, 152.614995
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020931 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020929

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 07.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, у южного берега.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: выбросы
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.64″ N, 152° 36′ 53.98″ E
59.966845, 152.614995
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020929 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020928

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 08.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: бассейн р. Кава, правобережье, оз. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: мелководье на северо-востоке
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 32′ 14.57″ N, 147° 24′ 24.81″ E
59.53738, 147.406893
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020928 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020919

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 23.09.2014.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Арманская трасса, окр. Моста через р. Широкая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: зарастающие илисто-торфянистые мелководья р. Широкая, единично
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 42′ 40.46″ N, 150° 1′ 37.85″ E
59.71124, 150.02718
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020919 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020918

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 23.09.2014.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Арманская трасса, окр. Моста через р. Широкая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: зарастающие илисто-торфянистые мелководья р. Широкая, единично
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 42′ 40.46″ N, 150° 1′ 37.85″ E
59.71124, 150.02718
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020918 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020917

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 09.09.2014.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: бассейн р. Ланковая, р. Белая, в 10 км от устья.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: по дну реки
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 36′ 39.24″ N, 151° 43′ 11.93″ E
59.61090, 151.71998
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020917 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020916

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 19.09.1997.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Глухое.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: ю/з берег, массово
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 43′ 43.68″ N, 149° 55′ 55.38″ E
59.72880, 149.93205
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020916 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020915

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Zhmylev Pavel Yurievich; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 02.08.2012.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Чистое, в месте вытекания р. Белой.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: редко на глубине 0.5м
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 34′ 5.2″ N, 151° 45′ 15.26″ E
59.56811, 151.75424

Conf. Бобров А.А.
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020915 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020914

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Zhmylev Pavel Yurievich; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 02.07.1983.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: среднее течение р. Кава, 8 км выше по течению от впадения руч. Халкинджа.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: замоховелый берег озерка в долине
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 43′ 5.38″ N, 147° 50′ 26.84″ E
59.71816, 147.84079

Conf. Бобров А.А., август, 2012
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020914 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020913

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Zhmylev Pavel Yurievich Collection date: 30.06.1983.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: среднее течение р.Кава, устье р. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 39′ 18.9″ N, 147° 27′ 12.67″ E
59.65525, 147.45352

Conf. Бобров А.А., август, 2012
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020913 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020912

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 24.07.2003.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Кава-Челомджинское междуречье, оз. Островки.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: около торфяно-моховой полупогруженной сплавины
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 51′ 26.89″ N, 147° 56′ 47.4″ E
59.85747, 147.94650

Conf. Бобров А.А., 20.08. 2012
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020912 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020911

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 24.07.2003.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Кава-Челомджинское междуречье, оз. Островки.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: около торфяно-моховой полупогруженной сплавины
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 51′ 26.89″ N, 147° 56′ 47.4″ E
59.85747, 147.94650

Conf. Бобров А.А., 20.08. 2012
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020911 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020910

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna at 2016
Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 09.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: р. Кава, около впадения р. Олачан.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: на мелководье в затоне
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 42′ 8.03″ N, 147° 27′ 0.29″ E
59.70223, 147.45008

(координаты на этикетке не верны!)
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020910 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020909

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna at 2013
Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 05.07.2013.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: побережье в 4 км на восток от устья р. Широкая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: протока большого озера
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 41′ 8.3″ N, 150° 5′ 25.94″ E
59.68564, 150.09054
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020909 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020908

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna at 2012
Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 02.08.2012.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Чистое, выбросы в северной части.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 34′ 44.11″ N, 151° 47′ 25.04″ E
59.57892, 151.79029
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020908 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020907

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna Collection date: 02.07.1993.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Чистое.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: в старице
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 33′ 31.57″ N, 151° 52′ 4.04″ E
59.55877, 151.86779

Conf. Бобров А.А., август, 2012
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020907 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020906

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andreev Alexander Vladimirovich Collection date: 20.08.1997.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: верховья р. Малкачан, оз. Тонэрындя.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 56′ 7.15″ N, 153° 32′ 0.17″ E
59.93532, 153.53338
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020906 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020905

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andreev Alexander Vladimirovich Collection date: 20.08.1997.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: бассейн р. Малкачан, оз. Тонэрындя.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 56′ 7.15″ N, 153° 32′ 0.17″ E
59.93532, 153.53338
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020905 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020904

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 13.09.1983.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Янский.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: в озере
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 45′ 45.4″ N, 149° 31′ 12.14″ E
59.76261, 149.52004
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020904 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020903

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 20.07.2005.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: 196 км, Эликчанкие озера, 2-ое оз. из системы р. Ямы.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: большое торфяно-песчаное
Coordinates (geographic position): 60° 44′ 43.37″ N, 151° 49′ 57.68″ E
60.74538, 151.83269
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020903 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020902

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 20.07.2005.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: 196 км, Эликчанкие озера, 2-ое оз. из системы р. Ямы.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: большое торфяно-песчаное
Coordinates (geographic position): 60° 44′ 43.37″ N, 151° 49′ 57.68″ E
60.74538, 151.83269
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020902 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020901

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Regel K. V. Collection date: 08.1998.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Эликчанкие озера, оз. Гранд.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 60° 44′ 0.85″ N, 151° 53′ 30.55″ E
60.73357, 151.89182
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020901 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020900

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna at 1997

Additional identifications: Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich at 2012
Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 03.08.1997.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: р. Белая, бассейн р. Ланковая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: доминирующий вид по всему течению
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 36′ 39.92″ N, 151° 43′ 6.49″ E
59.61109, 151.71847

Бобров А.-Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.???
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020900 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020847

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 11.07.1976.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Омолонский стационар ИБПС.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: берег озера
Coordinates (geographic position): 66° 4′ 14.05″ N, 159° 4′ 0.95″ E
66.07057, 159.06693

Conf. Бобров А.А., август, 2012
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020847 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0010271

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 05.08.2020.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya) - Srednekolymsky District. Place of collection: средняя Колыма, окр оз. Ружникова (115 км на свв от г. Среднеколымска).
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: старичное подковообразное озеро рядом с рекой
Coordinates (geographic position): 67° 51′ 28.69″ N, 156° 9′ 55.4″ E
67.857970, 156.165388
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0010271 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0010270

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Bobrov Alexander Andreevich, Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Bobrov Alexander Andreevich; Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 05.08.2020.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya) - Srednekolymsky District. Place of collection: средняя Колыма, окр оз. Ружникова (115 км на свв от г. Среднеколымска).
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: старичное подковообразное озеро рядом с рекой
Coordinates (geographic position): 67° 51′ 28.69″ N, 156° 9′ 55.4″ E
67.857970, 156.165388
Record creation: 2024-04-09, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0010270 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020941

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna, Bobrov Alexander Andreevich

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna; Bobrov Alexander Andreevich Collection date: 24.07.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: правобережье р. Кава, оз. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: около истоков Чукчи
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 29′ 52.55″ N, 147° 20′ 57.66″ E
59.49793, 147.34935
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020941 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020940

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna, Bobrov Alexander Andreevich

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna; Bobrov Alexander Andreevich Collection date: 24.07.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: правобережье р. Кава, оз. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: около истоков Чукчи
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 29′ 52.55″ N, 147° 20′ 57.66″ E
59.49793, 147.34935
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020940 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020939

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna, Bobrov Alexander Andreevich

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna; Bobrov Alexander Andreevich Collection date: 24.07.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: правобережье р. Кава, оз. Затон по р. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: мезотрофное озеро связанное с рекой
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 36′ 17.07″ N, 147° 29′ 36.03″ E
59.604743, 147.493343 (! уточненные координаты)
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020939 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020938

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna, Bobrov Alexander Andreevich

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna; Bobrov Alexander Andreevich Collection date: 24.07.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: правобережье р. Кава, оз. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: около истоков Чукчи
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 29′ 52.55″ N, 147° 20′ 57.66″ E
59.49793, 147.34935
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020938 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020937

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 30.06.2017.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: верховья р. Кава, оз. Сборное.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: залив на восточном берегу
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 30′ 57.08″ N, 146° 33′ 37.76″ E
59.515855, 146.56049
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020937 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020936

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 30.06.2017.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: верховья р. Кава, оз. Сборное.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: залив на восточном берегу
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 30′ 57.08″ N, 146° 33′ 37.76″ E
59.515855, 146.56049
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020936 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020935

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 07.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, у южного берега.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: растет по периметру на глубине около 1 м и в выбросах
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.64″ N, 152° 36′ 53.98″ E
59.966845, 152.614995
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020935 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020934

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 03.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, истоки р. Хады.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: глубина 0.3- 0.5 м
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.28″ N, 152° 37′ 37.67″ E
59.966745, 152.62713
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020934 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020933

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 03.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, юг.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: на глубине 1,5 м (много)
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.64″ N, 152° 36′ 53.98″ E
59.966845, 152.614995
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020933 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020932

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 03.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, юг.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: на глубине 1,5 м (много)
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.64″ N, 152° 36′ 53.98″ E
59.966845, 152.614995
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020932 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020930

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 01.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: оз. Киси, у южного берега.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: выбросы
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 58′ 0.64″ N, 152° 36′ 53.98″ E
59.966845, 152.614995
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020930 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020926

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 09.07.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: бассейн р. Кава, правобережье, р. Чукча.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: оз. Затон, на торфянисто-песчаном мелководье
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 36′ 10.61″ N, 147° 29′ 41.5″ E
59.602946, 147.49486
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020926 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020899

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 24.08.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: верховья р. Омолон, кор. Метеостанции Лабазная.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: большое термокарстовое озеро в тундре
Coordinates (geographic position): 63° 19′ 10.97″ N, 158° 27′ 56.8″ E
63.319715, 158.465777
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020899 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020898

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Sinelnikova Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna Collection date: 20.07.2011.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ten'kinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: верховья Колымы в 4 км к зап от Хаттынаха.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: оз. Козевского, небольшое термокарстовое озеро
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 0′ 44.5″ N, 148° 5′ 20.18″ E
62.01236, 148.08894

оз. Козевского (озеро Бекренева)
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020898 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020897

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Pavel Andreevich; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 04.08.1979.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: ГМС "Коркодон", озеро Карасевое.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 45′ 10.98″ N, 153° 56′ 57.37″ E
64.75305, 153.94927
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020897 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020896

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakova Olga Andreevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 20.08.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Сеймчан, з-е Куранахское озеро.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: пос. Сеймчан, западное Куранахское озеро
Coordinates (geographic position): 63° 9′ 10.66″ N, 152° 21′ 33.95″ E
63.15296, 152.35943

озера Куранахские (Гнусовые озера)
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020896 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020895

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakova Olga Andreevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 20.08.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Сеймчан, з-е Куранахское озеро.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Coordinates (geographic position): 63° 9′ 10.66″ N, 152° 21′ 33.95″ E
63.15296, 152.35943

озера Куранахское (Гнусовые озера)
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020895 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020894

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Sinelnikova Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna Collection date: 26.07.2001.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ten'kinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: окр. пос. Оротук, оз. Щучье.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: сообщество погруженных в воду растений, глубина 2 м
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 5′ 59.1″ N, 148° 30′ 49.61″ E
62.09975, 148.51378
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020894 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)

MAG 0020893

Potamogeton perfoliatus L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Sinelnikova Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna Collection date: 26.07.2001.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ten'kinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: окр. пос. Оротук, оз. Щучье.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: сообщество погруженных в воду растений, глубина 2 м
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 5′ 59.1″ N, 148° 30′ 49.61″ E
62.09975, 148.51378
Record creation: 2024-04-08, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0020893 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)