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MAG 0019063

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Lavrenko Alexander Nikolaevich, Serditov N.P.

Collectors: Lavrenko Alexander Nikolaevich; Serditov N.P. Collection date: 30.06.1981.
Administrative regions: RU - Komi. Place of collection: г. Сыктывкар, около 0.5 км к Западу от ж/д вокзала.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: елово-ивняковый приречный высокотравный лес
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 39′ 20.34″ N, 50° 46′ 43.24″ E
№ Rn 9
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019063 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019063 (access date: …)

MAG 0019062

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Lavrenko Alexander Nikolaevich, Serditov N.P.

Collectors: Lavrenko Alexander Nikolaevich; Serditov N.P. Collection date: 05.07.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Komi. Place of collection: Воркутинский район, около 5 км к С-З от пос. Воргашор.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: травянисто-осоково-ивняковые берега тундрового озера с Polemonium acutiflorum, Salix glauca, S. phylicifolia, Poa pratensis, Comarum palustris и др.
Coordinates (geographic position): 67° 37′ 35.04″ N, 63° 43′ 38.71″ E
№ Rn86
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019062 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019062 (access date: …)

MAG 0019061

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 20.09.1980.
Administrative regions: RU - Moscow Oblast. Place of collection: станция "Отдых".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: разреженный лес
Coordinates (geographic position): 55° 36′ 9″ N, 38° 8′ 11.58″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019061 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019061 (access date: …)

MAG 0019060

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 20.09.1980.
Administrative regions: RU - Moscow Oblast. Place of collection: станция "Отдых".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: разреженный лес
Coordinates (geographic position): 55° 36′ 8.59″ N, 38° 8′ 13.4″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019060 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019060 (access date: …)

MAG 0019059

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna, Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna Collection date: 29.05.1983.
Administrative regions: RU - Moscow Oblast. Place of collection: станция "Отдых".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: у сырой дороги в лесу
Coordinates (geographic position): 55° 36′ 12.25″ N, 38° 8′ 19.25″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019059 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019059 (access date: …)

MAG 0019058

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 13.07.1976.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Омолонский стационар ИБПС.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: пойма р. Омолон
Coordinates (geographic position): 65° 55′ 53.87″ N, 159° 2′ 51.72″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019058 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019058 (access date: …)

MAG 0019057

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Dokuchaeva Vera Borisovna Collection date: 07.07.1979.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug - Bilibinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: 50 км выше устья р. Олой.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: левый берег реки, тополёвник
Coordinates (geographic position): 66° 12′ 15.74″ N, 160° 15′ 26.86″ E
оп. №21
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019057 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019057 (access date: …)

MAG 0019056

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 18.07.1976.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug - Bilibinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Омолонский стационар ИБПС.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: долина реки, илистый берег
Coordinates (geographic position): 66° 4′ 11.89″ N, 159° 10′ 3.5″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019056 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019056 (access date: …)

MAG 0019055

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 11.08.1975.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Сеймчан, аэропорт.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: сырая дорога в пойме
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 56′ 20.9″ N, 152° 25′ 16.43″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019055 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019055 (access date: …)

MAG 0019054

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 11.08.1975.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Сеймчан, аэропорт.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: сырая дорога в пойме
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 56′ 20.9″ N, 152° 25′ 16.43″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019054 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019054 (access date: …)

MAG 0019053

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Dokuchaev Nikolai Evgenievich Collection date: 15.07.1974.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug - Bilibinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: р. Омолон.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: старая притока
Coordinates (geographic position): 66° 4′ 11.93″ N, 159° 10′ 3.61″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019053 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019053 (access date: …)

MAG 0019052

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Korolenko G. Collection date: 31.07.1975.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug - Bilibinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Омолон, стационар.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Coordinates (geographic position): 66° 4′ 11.93″ N, 159° 10′ 3.61″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019052 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019052 (access date: …)

MAG 0019051

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Kharkevich Sigismund Semenovich, Belikovich Anna Vitoldovna

Collectors: Kharkevich Sigismund Semenovich; Belikovich Anna Vitoldovna Collection date: 23.07.1989.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Магаданский заповедник, Сеймчанское леничество, север, Старый кордон, остров квартал № 72,.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: лиственничный лес, в понижении, среди зарослей хвоща, редко
Coordinates (geographic position): 63° 40′ 4.14″ N, 153° 17′ 42.92″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019051 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019051 (access date: …)

MAG 0019050

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich at 20.07.1977

Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Antropova Galina Leonidovna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 20.07.1977.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: с. Верхний Парень.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: пойменный ивняк
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 39′ 5.54″ N, 162° 23′ 1.49″ E
Раннецветущий лютик
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019050 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019050 (access date: …)

MAG 0019049

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich at 27.07.1981

Collectors: Antropova Galina Leonidovna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich; Dranevich Irina Anatolievna Collection date: 27.07.1981.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Ольское плато.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: озеро высохшее
Coordinates (geographic position): 60° 38′ 47.15″ N, 151° 22′ 18.08″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019049 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019049 (access date: …)

MAG 0019048

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Antropova Galina Leonidovna; Khokhryakova Olga Andreevna; Dranevich Irina Anatolievna Collection date: 27.07.1981.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Ольское плато.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: высохшее озеро
Coordinates (geographic position): 60° 38′ 47.15″ N, 151° 22′ 18.08″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019048 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019048 (access date: …)

MAG 0019047

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 08.12.2016.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Талая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: незамерзающий ручеек, приток р. Талая на окраине поселка
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 7′ 49.51″ N, 152° 22′ 21.1″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019047 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019047 (access date: …)

MAG 0019046

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andriyanova Elena Alexandrovna Collection date: 05.05.2017.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: окрестности п. Талая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: На оттаявшем берегу незамерзающего ручья
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 7′ 52.41″ N, 152° 23′ 11.13″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019046 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019046 (access date: …)

MAG 0019045

Ranunculus reptans L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 22.06.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Yagodninskiy Rayon. Place of collection: западнее пос. Дебин дорога на пос. Синегорье.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: купальное "термокарстовое озеро"
Coordinates (geographic position): 62° 18′ 40.81″ N, 150° 45′ 28.66″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019045 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019045 (access date: …)

MAG 0019044

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ ⟮ID by scan⟯ det. Khoreva Maria Gennadievna at 11.09.2024

Additional identifications: Ranunculus reptans L.⁣ ⟨Ошибка в этикетке⟩ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna at 24.05.2018
Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 24.05.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: левый берег р. Ойра, в нескольких км от устья,.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: старичная протока с крутыми берегами и крупнокаменистым дном
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 44′ 37.53″ N, 149° 50′ 40.36″ E
свежевыросший по оттайке
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019044 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019044 (access date: …)

MAG 0019043

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ ⟮ID by scan⟯ det. Khoreva Maria Gennadievna at 11.09.2024

Additional identifications: Ranunculus reptans L.⁣ ⟨Ошибка в этикетке⟩ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna
Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 24.05.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: левый берег р. Ойра, в нескольких км от устья.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: старичная протока с крутыми берегами и крупнокаменистым дном
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 44′ 37.53″ N, 149° 50′ 40.36″ E
свежевыросший по оттайке
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019043 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019043 (access date: …)

MAG 0019042

Ranunculus reptans L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 25.08.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: верховья р. Омолон, напротив р. Намалинга.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд; Водная флора
Habitat / plant community: мочажины в тундре
Coordinates (geographic position): 63° 14′ 34.35″ N, 158° 11′ 0″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019042 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019042 (access date: …)

MAG 0019041

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 28.06.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: ручеек впадающий в р. Талую в поселке.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ручей с подтоком термальной воды из скважины
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 7′ 44.39″ N, 152° 22′ 0″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019041 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019041 (access date: …)

MAG 0019040

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 28.06.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: ручеек впадающий в р. Талая в поселке.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ручей с подтоком термальной воды из скважины
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 7′ 44.39″ N, 152° 22′ 0″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019040 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019040 (access date: …)

MAG 0019039

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 05.02.2019.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: левый берег р. Ойра, в нескольких км от устья, ближняя к руслу старичная протока.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: на глубине около 02 м на гальке
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 44′ 38.17″ N, 149° 50′ 36.7″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019039 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019039 (access date: …)

MAG 0019038

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 10.05.2019.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: окрестности пос. Талая, термальный ручеек около впадения в р. Талая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: в реке на глубине 0,3 м
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 7′ 50.84″ N, 152° 22′ 23.77″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019038 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019038 (access date: …)

MAG 0019037

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 10.05.2019.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Khasynskiy Rayon. Place of collection: окрестности пос. Талая, термальный ручеек около впадения в р. Талая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: в реке на глубине 0,3 м
Coordinates (geographic position): 61° 7′ 50.84″ N, 152° 22′ 23.77″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019037 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019037 (access date: …)

MAG 0019036

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakova Olga Andreevna Collection date: 08.07.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: ГМС "Коркодон".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: пойменный луг
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 44′ 38.45″ N, 153° 58′ 9.21″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019036 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019036 (access date: …)

MAG 0019035

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 05.07.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: р. Чебукудлах.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 46′ 36.34″ N, 153° 17′ 46.9″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019035 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019035 (access date: …)

MAG 0019034

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Pavel Andreevich Collection date: 28.07.1979.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: ГМС "Коркодон".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: пойменный ивняк
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 44′ 38.33″ N, 153° 58′ 2.71″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019034 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019034 (access date: …)

MAG 0019033

Ranunculus repens L.⁣

Collectors: Galaktionova Tamara Fedorovna; Vostrikova P.; Berezkina A. I. Collection date: 29.07.1975.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya). Place of collection: Нижне-Колымский район, в 500 м к западу от пос. Походск.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: Хвощовый пойменный луг по берегу виски Рассохи
Coordinates (geographic position): 69° 4′ 34.36″ N, 160° 56′ 28.6″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019033 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019033 (access date: …)

MAG 0019031

Ranunculus repens L.⁣

Collectors: Polezhaev Alexey Nikolaevich Collection date: 09.07.1972.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya). Place of collection: Нижнеколымский район, окрестности пос. Походск.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: у берега о. Песчаный
Coordinates (geographic position): 69° 8′ 3.12″ N, 161° 3′ 49.28″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019031 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019031 (access date: …)

MAG 0019030

Ranunculus reptans L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Andreev Alexander Vladimirovich Collection date: 27.09.2018.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya) - Momsky District. Place of collection: оз. Большой Дарпир.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: выбросы
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 6′ 5.24″ N, 148° 2′ 0.7″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019030 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019030 (access date: …)

MAG 0019029

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Pavel Andreevich; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 17.07.1979.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya). Place of collection: Зырянский район, 16 км вниз по р. Колыме от пос. Ороёк.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: остров, ольховник
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 51′ 47.63″ N, 152° 23′ 26.41″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019029 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019029 (access date: …)

MAG 0019028

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Pavel Andreevich; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 17.07.1979.
Administrative regions: RU - Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya). Place of collection: Зырянский район, 16 км вниз по Колыме, от пос. Ороёк.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ольховник на острове
Coordinates (geographic position): 64° 51′ 46.58″ N, 152° 23′ 25.15″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019028 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019028 (access date: …)

MAG 0019027

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna

Collectors: Ivanov V. Collection date: 07.1985.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Заповедник "Магаданский".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: пойма р. Челомджа (приток р. Бургали)
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 51′ 24.16″ N, 148° 13′ 44.08″ E
Сбор произведен в период 12-27 июля 1985 года
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019027 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019027 (access date: …)

MAG 0019026

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna

Collectors: Ivanov V. Collection date: 07.1985.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Заповедник "Магаданский".
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: пойма р. Челомджа (приток р. Бургали)
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 51′ 24.16″ N, 148° 13′ 44.08″ E
Отбор произведен в период 12-27 июля 1985 г.
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019026 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019026 (access date: …)

MAG 0019025

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna

Collectors: Romanovsky Sergey S. Collection date: 22.07.1985.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Ямский участок, с. Ямск.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ивовые заросли
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 35′ 10.78″ N, 154° 8′ 17.57″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019025 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019025 (access date: …)

MAG 0019024

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna, Polezhaev Alexey Nikolaevich

Collectors: Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna; Polezhaev Alexey Nikolaevich Collection date: 03.08.1988.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: р. Яма около реки Халанчинга.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: тополево-чозениевый лес
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 40′ 14.63″ N, 153° 50′ 44.7″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019024 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019024 (access date: …)

MAG 0019023

Ranunculus reptans L.⁣ det. Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna

Collectors: Mochalova Olga Alexandrovna Collection date: 14.08.1998.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: междуречье рр. Хобота и Малкачан.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: стоячая "лужа" по западине среди ольхового стланика
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 52′ 35.88″ N, 154° 12′ 7.38″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019023 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019023 (access date: …)

MAG 0019022

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collection date: 07.07.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: среднее течение р. Челомджи, зоостационар.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ивняк по руслу пересохшего ручья
Coordinates (geographic position): 60° 16′ 12.47″ N, 147° 37′ 4.08″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019022 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019022 (access date: …)

MAG 0019021

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna

Collectors: Romanovsky Sergey S. Collection date: 06.07.1987.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: заповедник Магаданский в 3 км выше устья р. Кавы.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: луга, разнотравье массовое цветение
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 46′ 26.81″ N, 148° 12′ 18.61″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019021 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019021 (access date: …)

MAG 0019020

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich at 07.07.1982

Collectors: Dokuchaeva Vera Borisovna Collection date: 07.07.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: среднее течение р. Чёломджи, зоологический стационар.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ивняковые заросли в пойме реки
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019020 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019020 (access date: …)

MAG 0019019

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Dranevich Irina Anatolievna Collection date: 05.09.1982.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: о. Спафарьева, бухта Крабовая.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: заболоченная низина у озера
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 7′ 53.65″ N, 148° 58′ 2.28″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019019 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019019 (access date: …)

MAG 0019018

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Berkutenko Alexandra Naumovna

Collectors: Maksimova (Adasheva) Maria Innokentievna Collection date: 15.07.1973.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Gorod Magadan. Place of collection: окрестности г. Магадана.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: у ручья
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 33′ 39.32″ N, 150° 49′ 52.02″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019018 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019018 (access date: …)

MAG 0019017

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 29.06.1980.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: 18 км Ольской трассы.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: у дороги
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 34′ 32.3″ N, 151° 12′ 54″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019017 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019017 (access date: …)

MAG 0019016

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Shatkauskas Alexandras Vasilievich Collection date: 26.07.1979.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: окрестности пос. Ямск.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: устье реки Студеной
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 45′ 35.14″ N, 153° 34′ 11.32″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019016 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019016 (access date: …)

MAG 0019015

Ranunculus repens L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich

Collectors: Shatkauskas Alexandras Vasilievich Collection date: 29.07.1978.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: долина реки Яны в 3-х км от устья реки Халачинги.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: в пересыхающей старице
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 42′ 34.74″ N, 153° 47′ 48.19″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019015 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019015 (access date: …)

MAG 0019014

Ranunculus repens L.⁣

Collectors: Kartashova Collection date: 21.07.1961.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Магаданская область, правый берег р Олы в 3 км к северу от поселка Гадля.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ложбина стока на высокой пойме, осоково-разнотравный луг, часто
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 41′ 27.2″ N, 151° 20′ 49.7″ E
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019014 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019014 (access date: …)

MAG 0019013

Ranunculus repens L.⁣

Collectors: Kartashova Collection date: 21.07.1961.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Магаданская область, в 3 км к северу от поселка Гадля на правом берегу р Олы.
Groups of specimens: Основной фонд
Habitat / plant community: ложбина стока на высокой пойме, осоково-разнотравный луг, редко
Record creation: 2024-07-11, Alla Gurey.
Citation (GOST): MAG 0019013 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: https://re.herbarium.ibpn.ru/0019013 (access date: …)