Additional identifications:Silene cucubalus Wib. det. Khokhryakov Andrey PavlovichCollectors:Levkovsky Vladimir Petrovich; Tuzov O.A.Collection date: 19.07.1978. Administrative regions:RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Srednekanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: пос. Сеймчан, 15 км вниз по течению р. Колымы.Groups of specimens:Основной фонд; Заносные видыHabitat / plant community: пойменный лугCoordinates (geographic position):63° 2′ 52.26″ N, 152° 31′ 32.56″ EComment:
Silene cucubalus Wib - nom. illeg.
Record creation: 2024-07-31, Darya Kondakova.Citation (GOST): MAG 0021466 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)