Armoracia sisymbrioides (DC.) N. Busch ex Ganesh det. Penkovskaya E., Buturlina A.
Collectors:Penkovskaya E.; Buturlina A.Collection date: 12.06.1956. Administrative regions:RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' - Kolyvanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: окр. п. Чаус, пойма Оби.Groups of specimens:Основной фондHabitat / plant community: заливной лугCoordinates (geographic position):55° 20′ 59.21″ N, 82° 47′ 38.4″ ERecord creation: 2024-05-02, Alla Gurey.Citation (GOST): MAG 0021108 // Herbarium of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS (Herbarium MAG) URL: (access date: …)