Administrative regions – RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' (Новосибирская область)

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RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' (Новосибирская область)

Region category: Administrative region 1 level
A country: RU - Russian Federation

ID in 1496745. Latitude: 55. Longitude: 80.

Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaja Oblast', Novosibirskaja oblast, Novosibirskaja oblast', Novosibirskaya Oblast', Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Novosibirskin alue, Nowosibirsk, Oblast de Novossibirsk, Новосибирская Область, Новосибирская область

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Administrative regions – Parental region 1 level
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1511087. Latitude: 54.0833. Longitude: 77.6667. Synonyms: Baganskij rajon, Baganskiy Rayon, Баганский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1510911. Latitude: 55.0833. Longitude: 78.3333. Synonyms: Barabinskii Raion, Barabinskij rajon, Barabinskiy Rayon, Барабинский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1509820. Latitude: 55.75. Longitude: 84.25. Synonyms: Bolotninskij rajon, Bolotninskiy Rayon, Болотнинский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1508459. Latitude: 55.25. Longitude: 77. Synonyms: Chanovskij rajon, Chanovskiy Rayon, Чановский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1508155. Latitude: 54.25. Longitude: 83.25. Synonyms: Cherepanovskij rajon, Cherepanovskiy Rayon, Черепановский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1507795. Latitude: 54.5833. Longitude: 76.25. Synonyms: Chistoozernyj rajon, Chistoozernyy Rayon, Чистоозерный район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1507674. Latitude: 55. Longitude: 81. Synonyms: Chulymskij rajon, Chulymskiy Rayon, Чулымский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1507221. Latitude: 54.5. Longitude: 79.75. Synonyms: Dovolenskij rajon, Dovolenskiy Rayon, Доволенский район
Region category: Administrative region 3 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1507038. Latitude: 55.0667. Longitude: 83. Synonyms: Dzerzhinskij rajon, Dzerzhinskiy Rayon, Дзержинский район
Region category: Administrative region 2 level A country: RU - Russian Federation Parental region 1 level: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast' ID in 1505424. Latitude: 54.6667. Longitude: 83.25. Synonyms: Iskitimskij rajon, Iskitimskiy Rayon, Искитимский район
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Vascular plants – Modern administrative regions
Poa annua L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Poa annua L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: ст. Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: лесная дорога Coordinates (geographic position): 54° ...
Poa annua L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Poa annua L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: ст. Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: лесная дорога Coordinates (geographic position): 54° ...
Cerastium holosteoides Fries⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Cerastium holosteoides Fries⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: ст. Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: березняк Coordinates ...
Lepidium ruderale L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Lepidium ruderale L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 10.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: аэропорт Толмачево. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Coordinates (geographic position): 55° 0′ 27″ N, 82° 39′ 5 ...
Lepidium ruderale L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Lepidium ruderale L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 10.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: аэропорт Толмачево. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Coordinates (geographic position): 55° 0′ 27″ N, 82° 39′ 5 ...
Stellaria graminea L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Stellaria graminea L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 09.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: дачный пос. Мочище. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: песчанный обрыв Coordinates ( ...
Ranunculus acris L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Ranunculus acris L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: станция Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: березняк Coordinates (geographic po ...
Ranunculus acris L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Ranunculus acris L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: станция Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: березняк Coordinates (geographic po ...
Trollius asiaticus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Trollius asiaticus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: станция Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: березняк Comment: Imported desc ...
Trollius asiaticus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Trollius asiaticus L.⁣ det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 08.06.1974. Administrative regions: RU - Novosibirskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: станция Издревая. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: березняк Comment: Imported desc ...
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