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RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk (Южно-Сахалинск)
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RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk (Южно-Сахалинск)
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Administrative region 2 level
A country:
RU - Russian Federation
Parental region 1 level:
RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast'
ID in
Южно-Сахалинский городской округ, городской округ Южно-Сахалинск
Мария Хорева, 16.02.2023 04:22
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Vascular plants
– Modern administrative regions
MAG 0000163
Isolectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Isolectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 10.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection ...
MAG 0000164
Lectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Lectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 10.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection: окр. ...
MAG 0000165
Isolectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Isolectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 10.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection ...
MAG 0000166
Isolectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khoreva Maria Gennadievna at 20.01.2023 Additional identifications: Isolectotype of Ledum palustriforme Khokhr. et Mazurenko det. Khoreva Maria Gennadievna at 20.01.2023; Ledum sp. det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 10.06.1981. Administrative regio ...
MAG 0001678
Gymnadenia camtshatica (Cham. et Schlecht.) Makino det. Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna, Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Gymnadenia camtshatica (Cham. et Schlecht.) Makino det. Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna, Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 16.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblas ...
MAG 0001679
Gymnadenia camtshatica (Cham. et Schlecht.) Makino det. Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna, Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Gymnadenia camtshatica (Cham. et Schlecht.) Makino det. Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna, Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 16.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblas ...
MAG 0001844
Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna Collection date: 04.08.1980. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection: пригород Ю.Сахалинска. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant co ...
MAG 0001961
Oreorchis patens (Lindl.) Lindl. Additional identifications: Oreorchis patens (Lindl.) Lindl. Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 16.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection: о. Сахалин, окр. Южно-Сахалинска. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: смешаный лес Coord ...
MAG 0001965
Oreorchis patens (Lindl.) Lindl. Additional identifications: Oreorchis patens (Lindl.) Lindl. Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 16.06.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection: окр. Южно-Сахалинска. Groups of specimens: Основной фонд Habitat / plant community: смешаный лес Coordinates (geog ...
MAG 0001969
Corydalis ambigua Cham. et Schltdl. det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Additional identifications: Corydalis ambigua Cham. et Schltdl. det. Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collectors: Mazurenko Maya Timofeevna; Khokhryakov Andrey Pavlovich Collection date: 14.05.1981. Administrative regions: RU-Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Uzhno-Sakhalinsk. Place of collection: г. Южно-Сахалинск. Groups of specimens: ...
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